Wednesday 17 September 2008

SBS18 - Thank you DT Card

I did a quick card as a guest designer on SBS18 this week as they were short of cards. I used one of my Clutterbee Bugs that I had not used before and although very effective, I think I prefer the single line of faux stitching.
Image - H and S part of Heidi's Blog Candy I won
Paper - DCWV Spring Matstack, Cream Card is Stash
Ribbon - Stash
Flower - Stash
Brad - Papermania I think
Rub-on - Papermania


cats whiskers said...

Great card love this image which you have coloured beautifully, I think I like the double row of stiches myself, and of course I love the colour.
Hugs jacqui x

Anonymous said...

Very cute card I love the colours xx

Donna said...

Beautiful card and i think the double stitching is fab, i have a sewing machine i have used once (blush) you know it was one of those, 'oh i just really need one' things lol. Maybe i'll dust it off and have a go lol. Donna x

nessy said...

gorgeous card ~just love the stitching ~ love the matching inside!
vanessa xx

Lynsey said...

Hi Vicky this is lovely. I really like the stitching and your matching insert.
Hugs Lynsey :)

Andrea, said...

Beautiful card, I love how you have coloured the pretty image

Sammacco said...

Nice colours and I like the stitches too :)