Wednesday 4 January 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone. I have had an enforced crafting break in December due to family illness, a death in the family, the subsequent funeral just after Christmas and now another family member in hospital. Therefore my craft rating has slipped drastically so I hope all my followers come back.

Ok cup of tea hidden and my new polychromo's on the left. An image ready to colour ready for some dt work.

Off to look around your desks at WOYWW.


Wiccababe said...

Happy New Year
so sorry to hear your news, sending bosies (scottish hugs)

l00pyscraftcreations said...

Oh dear, poor hun, hope everything resolves soon for you, hugs,


Lunch Lady Jan said...

Let's hope 2012 is a better year all round for you and yours then...
Hugs, LLJ #34 xx

April said...

Sorry to hear you're going through sad times, hope things get better for you soon. Glad to see you are at the ready for crafting again. x

May said...

Bless you, sorry to hear of your sad time, Hugs May x x x x

505whimsygirl said...

So sorry to hear of what you've been going through. Sending hugs your way.

Kay WOYWW #92

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I hope that 2012 is a much better time for you and your family. Glad you found time to blog today. We will all be sending you happy thoughts. xx Maggie #73

Vicky said...

So sorry you are having a tough time at the mo hun...sending you mahooosive hugs your way...

big hugs Vicky xx

Hazel said...

Sorry to hear about the family illness and death - hope you can get back to some crafting soon (Hazel, WOYWW 108) x

Enfys said...

Sorry to hear your news. Sending you hugs

Karen said...

I was so sorry to read that you are having such a tough time ATM with so much sadness. Sending you lots of big {{{hugs}}}. Karen #108

Tracey FK said...

Hope things settle down and get better for you... I love my polychromos soooo much and hope they bring you as much fun and inspiration as they do for me...happy woyww...xx

karen said...

I wish for you and your family a fantastic 2012 to make up for the last bit of 2011.
Take care and hope things settle so you can enjoy some crafting time!
xoxo Karen

Julia Dunnit said...

Your craft rating isn't's meant to be fun gal, and at the moment, you aren't having much fun huh! .I know a handful of people have removed themselves from the rating site so that they feel less pressure to maintain the numbers... So sorry to hear of your family sadness, I hope when you an find time, that the crafting will help relieve some stress.

Anne said...

SO sorry to read of the difficult time you have had. I hope that 2012 will be a happy year and you are able to find crafting time. Anne x

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Your desk hasn't suffered from your absence though. It looks quite tidy and awaiting your return. I hope life settles down for you soon. Happy belated WOYWW.

Katie said...

I hope that 2012 is a good one for you! *Hugs*

katie (138)

peggy aplSEEDS said...

so sorry to hear about the challenges you've had in your family. i hope 2012 brings blessings for you. sending you hugs,
peggy aplSEEDS