Thursday, 27 October 2011

faber castell polychromos pencils - question

Does anyone use them or can recommend a starting package, or colours needed if brought individually, thanks


LilyPuss Cards said...

Ooops..sorry vicky pressed the wrong button...doh!!..anyway what I'm trying to say is that I bought a tin of 36 colours..but didnt use all of now I buy individual ones..but I think Prismas are better..they blend better with sansodor and I get them from they are 99p each + p&p great fast service..and you can pick your colours that you will use most...
Hope that helps...if you want to know about colours give me a shout...

Angie said...

Hi Vicky
I have the complete set of polychromos, i bought them individualy from Hobbycraft as and when and i just love them. They sharpen well and blend lovely with sansodor. I started with the colours i thought would use the most and then got a colour list off the net and built up the collection. I have tried prismas but prefer the polychromos. If you can't decide i would buy a couple of each and test them yourself before you commit.
Hugs Angie x

Delphine said...

Hi Victoria, and thank you for your lovely comment:-)! I bought my Polychromos from a local art store in Paris. They are easy to find in France unlike Prismacolors which I have never seen. As I said on my blog, the image you saw was really my first image coloured with these pencils. I did not use anything to blend. I have a box of 36 and added 2 flesh tones that were not in the box. I also bought lots of greys, way too many, you clearly do not need to have them all. I really liked using them and really plan to do more and practise:-)! For the time being, I cannot tell you much considering that I am only just beginning. But if I can help in any way, just let me know! Hugs Delphine xx