Wednesday 2 July 2008

Magnolia Challege - Sketch

The sketch was done by Lorraine (whoese blog scrapmetal is on my list of favourites). I have used windy Tilda and mounted her on a leaf papermania paper. I surrounded the image with glitter outline sticker to keep in the purple theme and have added a hydranger flower in the corner over the ribbon. I think that Tilda been windswept works for the off centre layout.


Sian said...

Lovely card, and I need that stamp!!

Frances said...

thank you for your lovely comment on my blog Vikki! No need to ask, I'm flattered to be on your fave blogs!

Frances x

Classroomfree said...

Really lovely card, nice take on the sketch :o)

Jules x

cats whiskers said...

Hi Honey this is lovely, I adore the colours you have chosen. I am ok, do a few challen ges but that DT work is driving me mad, some of my cards are on C&C at the moment
Hugs Jacqui xxx

Lorraine said...

Great card, love the colours and a great take on the sketch.

Jane (Carroll's Creations) said...

such a sweet card

love it

hugs jane x

Cecilia said...

Lovely card! Nice colour!

Hugs Tiina

Anonymous said...

Very pretty!
smiles, Deena

tracie said...

fab card, love the colours and great sketch :)x

Linanna DESIGNS said...

You have such lovely cards on this blog.

Donna said...

Beautiful card, love the backing paper. xx

Anonymous said...

Fab card Vikki love that tilda imagexx

Heidi said...

Thank you so much for sending me this beautiful card. I am so lucky. I really love it-your coloring is so wonderful.
And also thanks for the cute images.You are so kind.

Hugs and love

craft mad Jenny said...

I got a new stamp today, so I'm going to send you an image (just one - i'm pushed for time), along with an atc, because you sent me one and I never sent you one back!!
hope you like them!
